Monday, 5 November 2012

November 5
Subway Surfers v1.4.2 Halloween Edition ARMv6 By Me-Manoj

Subway Surfers v1.4.2 Halloween Edition ARMv6 By Manoj

JOIN the world famous chase.
Help Jake escape from the grumpy Inspector!


NOTE:-CHANGE THE DATE OF YOUR PHONE BELLOW 5/11/2012 5:00PM TO PLAY Subway Surfers v1.4.2 Halloween Edition IF YOU DON'T DO THAT THAN GAME WORK BUT YOU CAN'T PLAY Halloween Edition

3 Responses so far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    thanks manoj but what program do you use to convert the games in ARMv6? apkmultitool do not need to convert the are a great please convert some beautiful game in HD is not the same as all these games temple run games in HD charge type as heritage beautiful game
    if you can give me the name of this program you do me a favor if I did not give you does not do anything because the last thing the charge screen cast ARMv6

  2. Unknown says:

    dude the game is lagging too much.....even after using my galaxy y

  3. Unknown says:

    This game sucks i tried all from v 1.0.2 - 1.6.0 still lags my phone galaxy ace

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