Monday, 5 November 2012

November 5
System Apps Installer apk

Some of the greatest true innovations came about so people could be more lazy.. Of course, not everything that is spawned by laziness is on the list. However, laziness has always been a good motivator to finding an easier, faster way of doing something..
 There is a now a tool for our SGY that helps those who are lazy.. The tool is called SYSTEM APP INSTALLER.  It is a useful tool for the lazy people who don't want to move an app to /system & go through the process of Setting permission...

The Developer(hmahadi98 from XDA) explains:-
      Are u lazy to move App in System/app/ & set permission?? & convert user app to System app & most of them don't work??? Then u should try this app.. This app is very useful to install any app in system...

With System Apps Installer, you'll be able to, easily, install your favorite apps into the system partition.
System Apps Installer integrates with system as a package installer, but which will install apps directly in the system partition. To do it, only browse with your favorite file manager, select your app, and open it with System Apps Installer; the app will do the rest.
* Notice: Not every app installed in system partition works correctly. Is not recommended to install antivirus programs on system partition.
Here are the screenshots:-

Credits:- hmahadi98 From XDA

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