Tuesday, 13 November 2012

November 13
PPSSPP [PSP Emulator] ARMv6

Play PSP games on your armv6 phone

[Download ROMs From Any site then play]
NOTE:-It is still in beta stage so only can run small games

17 Responses so far.

  1. Mayank says:

    pls give me psp game link

  2. Gogu says:

    Could you port Kingdom royale 1.0.7 version to armv6(i'm using galaxy mini)? I'm using an older verion that is unplayable atm due to the patch, and i can't find the armv6 verion anywhere, and i really enjoy this game. Thx in advance

  3. Unknown says:

    does it works on galaxy Y ?

  4. Anonymous says:


  5. fadhullah says:

    is this all psp game can play on it or just low quality game

  6. Manoj says:

    low size means small

  7. Unknown says:

    up to 400 mb yes ?

  8. Manoj says:

    might be 20% chance test it!

  9. Would not show anything until I added new codes to play patapon 2 the codes are

  10. I have also made the file available for ipad only with cydia it can play ps2 games also for tablets the downloads will be ready in a few days though I'm really glad I found this software to prove my technology ethics are at a high standard.

  11. mistrix says:

    @levi knott
    pls help,
    how to add your code on psp emulator?

  12. Unknown says:

    um can it run 200mb games?

  13. Unknown says:

    the app frezzes on loading an iso and then my galaxy y shuts down.when i power it on it stucks on boot logo.

  14. Unknown says:

    haha amir ali khan

    yes same to my galaxy y.. when i tested god of war it just froze....
    now i needed to flash again stock rom.. good thing its back... ill try downloading other smaller games to try if its working

  15. P4KB3T says:

    It super Lag when i play GOD OF WAR for may samsung galaxy y duos plzzz help to fix

  16. Unknown says:

    How to run it smooth on sgy duos

  17. rohit says:

    can it run on galaxy y pro duos
    if yes please reccomend some games

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