Wednesday, 14 November 2012

November 14
Fantashooting ARMv6 By Me-Manoj

As a prerequisite for graduation, apprentices at Fantasy Hero Institute must survive the final test of Mori. Around the Mori Institute are scary monsters, magic bombs, goblins, insects, piranhas................. I’ll scare myself if I go any further! If you dare, follow the apprentices into the mysterious and unpredictable forest and help them survive the trials of the forest allowing them to graduate!


4 Responses so far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    Hey Manoj nice guy.Can you post instruction of overclock 1.2 ghz via Merruk kernel without odin? Bcoz my computer was broken.So please create instruction of overclock 1.2 ghz via recovery or cwm recovery. Plz I know you are AMAZING GUYS so please help me.Plz Manoj Plz.Thanks

  2. Anonymous says:

    Hey Manoj nice guy.Can you post instruction of overclock 1.2 ghz via Merruk kernel without odin? Bcoz my computer was broken.So please create instruction of overclock 1.2 ghz via recovery or cwm recovery. Plz I know you are AMAZING GUYS so please help me.Plz Manoj Plz.Thanks

  3. Manoj says:

    No can't without odin

  4. Hey manoj, gostaria de pedir alguns apps para você crackear, o primeiro é o app Onlive, o segundo é the amazing spider man, o terceiro é wild blood, o quarto é real football 12, e por ultimo é nova 3 e the adventures of tintin, Brazil e admiro muito seu blog

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