Thursday, 3 January 2013

January 3
Subway Surfers v1.6.0 ARMv6 By Me-Manoj

JOIN the world famous chase.
Help Jake escape from the grumpy Inspector!
DASH as fast as you can! 
DODGE the oncoming trains!

Help Jake, Tricky & Fresh escape from the grumpy Inspector and his dog.
★ Grind trains with your cool crew! 
★ Colorful and vivid HD graphics! 
★ Hoverboard Surfing! 
★ Paint powered jetpack! 
★ Lightning fast swipe acrobatics! 
★ Challenge and help your friends!


5 Responses so far.

  1. Unknown says:

    runs smooth on galaxy y?

  2. utkarshh says:

    frce clse on galaxy y wt to do?

  3. gokulraj says:

    can u upload latest version of temple run and nfs most wanted for galaxy y??????

  4. Manoj says:

    temple run latest version already uploaded and NFS Mw only for armv7

  5. Manoj can you please fix the lagging and the touch delay so you can play better and not crash so much in-game? (It lags also badly on chainfire reduced all)

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