Friday, 2 November 2012

November 2
CREEM RED THEME for all custom ROMs

Hiiii Guys, Today i bring  a theme named CREEM RED.. It is compatible for the Given ROMs.. 

2.) Jelly blast

3.) CoD and Creed rom

4.) Icon pack

5.) Keybrd

(choose galaxy)

In this theme, You will Get Themed Apps like -

and many more..

For Creed and CoD rom, first backup and flash..
 Not tested on Hyperion rom. But u can flash CoD rom file first do backup.


Yash (XDA developer) for this theme

visit my blog :- GalaxyYFreeStuff

2 Responses so far.

  1. Unknown says:

    aww man lets upload the amazingspider man keyboard psl pls pls

  2. Unknown says:

    Does it work in Hyperion 8?

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